
According to my bio I was born in Cork, Ireland 1861. Immigrated to US in 1881 and made fortune selling snake oil cream. Invested heavily in cricket crap & IBM, met the girl of my dreams, had 14 children and it’s been the life of Riley ever since.

The internet, you gotta love it.

In reality, I’m a high powered executive in a fortune five hundred company, too big to mention.  I have apartments and mistresses all over the world.  I drink heavily and love to gamble despite my doctor’s advice after my 3rd coronary.  My wife says she adores me even after all these years, but I know she’s having an affair with one of my vice-presidents.  I have three kids in college bleeding me dry. But when the world gets too much I go sit in my  Mercedes Benz SLR McLaren Roadster and know that I actually have the life of Riley.

Okay, okay.

I’m an artist born and trained in her 9th or 10th incarnation of this life time.  Maybe someday I’ll get it correct and reach Nirvana, but right now I’m okay with what I’ve got and that really is the life of Riley.


    1. Kelly – Thank you for the compliments & the nomination! Imagine my smile when I saw my blog on your roll (that doesn’t sound quite right somehow). As a newbie in the blogging world, it is great to have others point me in the direction of creative works to enjoy – your site has done just that. C.

    1. Thank you so much, Kate! I will be over to check it out as soon as we get back from our big family gathering. (BTW, my mother’s family is really from County Cork- the Sullivan’s, ya know!).

  1. Hello Half C note, thanks for stopping by my blog and subscribing. I look forward to seeing your comments, and maybe someday finding out who you REALLY are! 🙂

  2. I liked all descriptions. And now, I am wondering what will come next… And for it what it may, it will be as much interesting as all the previous ones… In the meantime, it looks you are enjoying the journey!

    1. Nice to meet you too and thanks for stopping by. I was entertaining my family yesterday by reading some of your posts to them. Love your outlook 🙂

  3. You got me all excited there for a sec. Fortune 500? I was going to beg for a job. Whatever. This is good too 😉
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I got my much needed chuckle for the day, so…

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